
Dr. Ade Adesuyi


My name is Dr. Ade Adesuyi and I currently work as an anesthesiologist in Chicago, IL. The reason I went to medical school and subjected myself to the rigors of residency for 4 years was because I actually wanted to help people as cliche as it may sound. However, during my training I noticed that people rarely got better. The same patients would come in every other month and they would be discharged on more medications or larger doses they started off with. They slowly degraded, deteriorated, and died. That’s when I realized that traditional medicine does not heal patients. It treats the symptoms and hides the fundamental cause of the problem.

A bandage would be placed on an infected wound, but a patient would still die from sepsis. Everything I’ve witnessed was nothing more than sick-care management. Sick-care management is all about keeping the patient alive and functional, and collect insurance reimbursements over the short life of the patient.

Well, I knew there had to be something different. This couldn’t have been the best care that humanity had to offer, and it isn’t. After 15 years of research, I realized that there is a history of suppressed information that would allow the body to heal itself from its own ailments. No one would no longer have to suffer from cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, strokes, heart attacks, and the list goes on. True healing and wellness is not from drugs or surgery. It’s by giving the body what it needs to do what does best, heal itself! We’d be stupid to think that doctors know EVERYTHING there is to know about the human body, but we couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is, we barely cracked the code to the body’s true potential. I discovered with the help of the most brilliant and innovative minds of today since Nikola Tesla and Royal Rife how to Hack your Health and cheat Death and Dis-Ease. We can Survive and Thrive in today’s toxic world of GMOs, chemtrails, radiation, and vaccines. We can keep you from stepping inside of a hospital for anything disease-related and help you to attain total health freedom. Vitacine will help you heal on a macro level, cellular level, and also an energetic level.