The Six Main Causes of Inflammation
June 24, 2017
Iron Overload and Oxidation
July 28, 2017

Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

Today, we live in a world where disease is prevalent. It’s particularly more prevalent today as it was 50 to 60 years. You may be asking yourself, “Well, healthcare has advanced over the years and people are living longer”. While that might be true, what seems evident is that we’ve traded our infectious diseases for chronic diseases. The human average lifespan may have increased about 10 more years, however our quality of life has not. One chronic disease I want to talk about in particular is cancer. Cancer happens to be the 2nd most common cause of death in the US today. Over half million people succumb to cancer on a yearly basis. 1 out of 2 men, and 1 out of 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetime. There’s a good chance that you know someone who is battling or has battled cancer. We live, breathe, and eat in a toxic world and unless you’re armed with INFORMATION and TOOLS for avoiding this diagnosis, you may not be as fortunate. Even if you’re a cancer survivor, there may be irreversible damage that may have been done. I will discuss briefly the traditional cancer treatments, and then I’ll focus more on the holistic and alternative methods.


This treatment for cancer is the most popular, and also the most toxic. It targets rapidly dividing (growing) cells and destroys them. Unfortunately, it cannot tell the difference between rapidly dividing tumor cells and rapidly dividing normal cells such as hair, skin, mucous membranes of the digestive tract, and bone marrow (which is where your blood and immune system is derived from). That’s where all the horrific side effects come from: hair loss, nausea, vomiting, oral ulcers, anemia, fatigue, and illness. Chemotherapy is also carcinogenic and can lead to secondary cancers years down the line. Basically the whole idea behind “chemo” is to kill the tumor before it kills the patient. Your immune system is what keeps the cancer in check. Chemotherapy, however, destroys your immune system. In the best case scenario, chemotherapy may destroy the tumor but will decimate your immune system, leaving you to deal with opportunistic infections afterwards. If the infections don’t kill you, you’re in the clear. However, if the chemotherapy spares just ONE tumor cell and there’s virtually no immune system to keep it in check, the cancer will come back years later, quicker and with a vengeance increasing the probability of death the second time around.


Unless a cancer is inoperable (meaning removing the cancer may be lethal), it will almost always require surgery and going under anesthesia. Surgery can also have a domino effect leading to problems down the road (eg. small bowel obstruction, infections, complications, spread of cancer, more surgeries, and death). Surgery may be necessary and even lifesaving at times in extreme cases when organs are being compressed, but once a body part is removed it’s gone. It doesn’t grow back. There is new cutting edge science that involves growing organs in a laboratory, however it’s still experimental and has a long way before becoming mainstream.

Radiation Therapy

High doses of ionizing radiation are aimed at a tumor to stop the growth or shrink the size. Sometimes this may be palliative or necessary for tumor shrinkage prior to surgery. Unfortunately this can cause collateral damage and can lead to multiple problems in the future (eg. small bowel obstruction, adhesions, hemorrhagic cystitis, radiation burns, infertility, secondary cancer). And again, radiation is carcinogenic and leads to secondary tumors down the line.

I truly believe that prevention is better than a cure and if you do the right thing, you will not have to make that difficult decision of whether to accept chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery or forgo it. Physicians can scare you into being treated right away as if there is no time to spare, but the truth of that matter is it takes years for cancer to develop into a palpable tumor. Let’s not even be in this position and take yourself out of the equation. There are over 300 ways to treat cancer naturally, however you’ll never hear about them in the mainstream media.

Now here are some things you can do to prevent cancer:

  Green Tea – It is well known now that green tea is preventative against cancer. Green tea has anti-oxidizing properties that has been shown to kill human cancer tells in laboratory experiments. 3 cups of green tea daily can decrease your risk of cancer by 37%.

  Vitamin D (25-hydroxycalciferol) – Most people are deficient in Vitamin D, especially in the Northern states of the US. We get most our Vitamin D from being exposed to sunlight, more specifically UVB rays that convert cholesterol derivatives in the skin to Vitamin D. We may be getting less Vitamin D due to more overcast skies (less in southern states) and no exposure to sunlight from staying in the shade or staying indoors. Darker skinned people are more susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency due increased melanin, which restricts sunlight penetration. They would need to stay in the sun twice as long as lighter skinned people to get the same amount of Vitamin D. Your level of vitamin D in blood should be at least 50 ng/ml, and 70-100 ng/ml for those who have or had cancer. I’ve spoken to people whose Vitamin D blood level was in the single digits which is like walking around with a ticking time bomb waiting for cancer and illness to explode. More and more evidence is surfacing that a Vitamin D level above 50 ng/ml is protective against cancer and cuts the probability of being diagnosed by 70%. Therefore we must supplement with between 5,000-10,000 U of Vitamin D per day. That exact dosage depends on your blood level, so check it.

  Go Organic! – I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat solely organic food. We are what we eat. Unless we stop eating foods that are loaded with pesticides, GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, nitrates, aspartame, and MSG, we are exposing ourselves and increasing our cancer risk. Consuming toxins everyday for years will eventually accumulate and overwhelm your body’s defenses. Aside from decreasing your risk of cancer, you’re also decreasing you risk of hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol by going organic. Some people complain that “organic food is expensive”. My argument is that you will pay way more in medical and drug costs later down the line. Think of it as an investment or a supplemental insurance policy. You can’t pay too much for your health. If you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of your loved ones? Organic and natural food is becoming more accessible (Wholefoods™, Trader Joes™, Wild Oats™) and large chain supermarkets now have aisles dedicated to organic and natural food.

  Cleanses – It is standard to bathe daily (at least in some countries) in order to keep clean and fresh. This also applies to INSIDE the body. You may look great on the outside, but may be nasty on the inside. That’s why it’s necessary to do cleanses on a regular basis (colon cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, liver cleanse, parasite cleanse, fasting, etc). Just imagine you were conceived into this world clean and untainted. Just from being in the womb, you start to accumulate toxins from what your mother was exposed to. As an infant, you didn’t need medication. As time goes on in your teenage years, you continue to draw in environmental toxins (pesticides, lead, heavy metals, carcinogens, vaccines, etc.). Your body is a magnificent creation and can adapt to these toxins well. By your 30s, your body has no way of ridding itself of these toxins, and they begin overwhelm the body’s systems. The toxic burden reaches its pivotal point with new onset hypertension and diabetes. By your 40s and 50s, you’re now on many medications to help your body control the effects of these toxins since your body cannot do it by itself any more. Your immune system becomes affected and you’re ability to handle free radicals decreases over time. You start to age faster physically and biochemically. Your body becomes so overwhelmed, that cancer ensues and multi-organ failure inevitably happens in your 70s and 80s if you were so lucky to live that long.

  Avoid Plastic Bottles and Canned Goods – Gone are the days when milk was delivered to your doorstep in a glass jar or drinking coca cola from a glass bottle. Everything is plastic now. Most plastics contain a compound called Bisphenol A (BPA) which may be carcinogenic by its hormone disrupting properties. Canned goods also contain BPA and other chemical preservatives. It is also shown to be linked to obesity and decreased thyroid function. Drink water from glass bottles and abstain from microwaving food or liquids with plastic; try not to even microwave at all.

  Avoid Tap Water – Tap water contains many impurities such as lead, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, even residual antibiotics and prescription hormones that cannot be filtered by the municipal water plants. It has been reported that a carcinogenic compound called chromium-6 was found in the water supply of 31 US cities out of the 35 tested. It’s difficult to say how wide spread this is, but you can imagine the implications. Bottled water is an option, except most are kept in plastic and testing the water may reveal that it may not be the best option. Your best option is getting a reverse osmosis water filter that is strictly for consumption coupled with vitamin and mineral supplements.

If you have the diagnosis of cancer, consider these alternative remedies:

  Essiac Capsules – For immune system support

  Apricot Kernels – A handful of apricot kernels may help to stop cancer from spreading and shrinking tumors.

  Hemp Oil – Use topically for skin cancers and consume for brain cancers.

  Intravenous High-Dose Vitamin C – Allows destruction of cancer cells without harming normal cells. Lyposomal vitamin C is also an option for those who do not have access to IV vitamin C.

  Fruit & Vegetable Smoothies – Keeps your body alkaline (as opposed to acidic) which creates an anti-cancer environment.

  Coffee Enema – Helps to clean and strengthen the liver, which will filter the toxins from tumor die-off during cleansing and treatments.

  Poly MVA – Immune and anti-oxidant support.

  Ozone Insufflation – Boosts the immune system and overall health.

  Selenium – Taking 200 mcg of selenium daily can drop your risk of cancer by 37%.

Remember that none of these treatments are a cure for cancer. The only cure resides in your body’s immune system. Support your body and immune system with what it needs, and get rid of the cancer. You will greatly increase your risk of beating it and greatly decrease your risk of even being diagnosed with it. Live well and prosper!

– Ade Adesuyi

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